I understand that you may feel that you are on a twin flame journey and that your current situation revolves around being in a relationship with someone else. While that may be partially true, it’s important to know that the journey is not solely about being with another person. Please know that I’m not implying that you and your Divine counterpart will never be together in a romantic and physical sense; however, that is not the primary objective of this journey.
If you only focus on your end goal and desire to reach a certain destination, you will remain stuck in a loop. I repeat this often because it is true. The journey you are on is primarily about spiritual awakening. It involves recognizing the God’s Essence and Soul within others and within yourself. It’s about remembering the Divine within you, a call back to your power, sovereignty, and original Soul blueprint. You will no longer be driven by the egoic Mind, which is a slave to your beliefs and conditioning.
This journey is about rediscovering your true self and reconnecting with your Divine counterpart. It’s about experiencing wholeness, unconditional love, and connection. The Soul sees everything as it is, without labeling it as good or bad. It exists in a state of eternal presence and is always connected to the Divine. Therefore, it recognizes no separation. When you live from the perspective of your Soul, you use your Mind as a tool to create from a place of unity and Divine love. However, we have been conditioned to think differently. We are taught to believe that we are separate individuals and encouraged to develop a sense of self to create an image of who we are. As a result, we often live and create from a place of ego.
The ego is only capable of experiencing duality because it originates from a state of separation consciousness. The ego can only understand itself through separation, akin to playing a role or character that is based on our individual personalities resulting from our separation from the Divine. Living in ego, one is constantly plagued by the fear of non-existence. Fear cannot coexist with a Divine connection. Staying stuck in the vibrations of ego and the energy of fear and lack will perpetuate separation and hinder one’s spiritual progress.
We magnetize and manifest things that match our vibrations. From a Soul’s perspective, the ego isn’t necessarily bad since the Soul does not differentiate between good and bad. Everything just is. The ego plays a vital role in our spiritual growth because we cannot comprehend the Soul without it. It’s like the interplay of light and dark; they must coexist. Polarity and duality exist so that we can become aware of the other and merge them into one. This is similar to daytime and nighttime; we need both to understand what light is.
You have spent your life nurturing your personality, ego, and sense of identity, and as a result, you have attracted your Divine counterpart. This connection has occurred because your true being was ready to evolve and rise into a higher state of consciousness, back to your soul and back to the Divine. However, the ego tends to make this connection all about the other person, seeking wholeness outside of itself. This happens because it feels separated from the Divine. But in reality, this journey is all about you and coming back home to yourself. It’s about releasing the ego and egoic mind and dropping into the soul, where you are always connected to the Divine.
When your Mind is in a state of inner Union, it becomes free from being a slave to your ego, subconscious beliefs, and conditioning. You will no longer be struggling with obsessions, addictions, and constantly wanting and seeking more. The ego, when it uses the Mind, can only create from a place of fear and lack.
It’s common for people to want more because the ego tends to create a sense of separation and disconnect from the divine. However, releasing the ego doesn’t mean that one’s personality will disappear; it just means that they will become less concerned with it. The ego will always exist because it allows one to choose to come back to the Soul again and again.
As one cultivates a connection with the divine, they begin to observe their thoughts and emotions rather than being consumed by them. The divine works through the soul, and the soul uses the personality as a vehicle for connection, leading to a deep-rooted relationship with faith and trust in the divine. This relationship reflects in one’s 3D reality. If one avoids or distracts oneself from the Divine within, it will be reflected in their relationship with their divine counterpart and God.
To become connected with the Soul instead of the ego is not a task that can be accomplished easily. It is a journey that one must undertake to transform oneself into something entirely new. To do so, it’s necessary to let go of who you were before. This means releasing limiting beliefs, unworthiness, and victimhood. There is no need to fight; in fact, resistance to what’s currently happening can create separation, pain, and suffering. The objective of this journey is to return to the present moment and become an observer of thoughts and emotions, rather than being consumed by them.
One’s identity is not determined by the experiences they have gone through in their life so far. These experiences only exist in the present moment, and they can either be viewed as painful and traumatic or as a starting point for healing. In order to move forward, it’s not necessary to revisit every past trauma in order to heal. These wounds are present in the dynamic with one’s divine counterpart and can be found in all relationships, experiences, and situations. Until one realizes that the root cause of their pain is their own ego, they will continue to feel stuck.
The power of the feminine energy is essential for transformation, but it requires a shift in one’s perspective. Our soul partner is not meant to cause us pain, but rather to aid us in remembering our true selves. This allows us to reconnect with our inner wisdom and live in harmony with the world around us. Remember, as within, so without; as above, so below.
I hope this post brings clarity and support on your journey.
I send you all healing energies, many angel blessings, much love, and light.