The Distinction Between Being Tested and Taking Inspired Action on this journey or When, How, and If At All, Reach Out to Your Twin Flame.

by | Twin Flames

The Distinction Between Being Tested and Taking Inspired Action on this journey or When, How, and If At All, Reach Out to Your Twin Flame.

by | Twin Flames

This is an essential topic to discuss because knowing how to navigate these situations can be challenging.

As we progress on our journey toward reuniting with our twin flame, we will encounter pivotal moments that will determine whether we have grown, matured, and healed. These moments can be seen as tests, where we must choose whether to repeat old patterns or try something new. These tests will challenge us to continue doing things the same way we always have or to take a different approach.

On the other hand, there are also times when we are guided to take inspired action that will set into motion a series of events that will bring us closer to our twin flame. Inspired action is when we feel an urge or nudge to do something without many thoughts involved and with no conflict. We do it without thinking too hard about it; we know it feels good.

When we are tested, we will recognize it when we encounter situations where we yearn to contact our twins and connect with them on some level. This could occur when we want to contact them, physically track them down, or simultaneously be in the same location. If we premeditated on these actions, we would feel conflicted, going back and forth in our minds. We would feel hesitant, uncertain, and out of sync with our inner selves. This is a test to see if we will continue to behave the same way or learn from our experiences and try something different.

In contrast, when we take inspired action, we are guided to do something without many thoughts involved and with no conflict. We do it without thinking too hard about it; we know it feels good. If we were to contact our twin through inspired action, we would feel incredibly positive about it. There wouldn’t be any negative thoughts involved. We would feel peaceful and calm as we did it, and it would happen spontaneously.

The Divine will use these inspired actions to reunite us; the ego will not be involved. These actions are a part of manifesting and happen naturally, smoothly, and comfortably.

Suppose we encounter resistance, overthinking, or uncertainty. In that case, that’s a test, and we need to stop and start centering and balancing ourselves. We must look at the situation from all angles and consider the pattern.

To sum it up, being tested and taking inspired action are two different things that require different approaches. By understanding the difference between the two, we can take the necessary steps towards progressing on our twin flame journey.

I hope this post sheds a little light on the subject, and brings clarity and support to your journey.

I send you all healing energies, angel blessings, love, and light.


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